
December Updates & Important Dates

This article was last modified on December 1st, 2020.

Dear ICA Students and Parents,

I would like to wish all of our Independence Charter Academy parents, students, and friends a safe and fun holiday season. I would like to acknowledge the contribution of our staff, parents, and students at Independence Charter Academy this year. Walt Disney once said, “You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful ideas in the world, but it requires people to make the dream a reality”. This is certainly the case as a principal. The reality is that the learning experiences and projects that have taken place this year could not have happened without a great deal of commitment and support from the staff, parents, and students. This year, as a school we went through our WASC Mid-cycle Visit flawlessly and the WASC Committee was extremely impressed with our staff and students. The staff is to be applauded for the way in which they have embraced the rewards and challenges of this stressful start to a school year and implemented it with positivity and enthusiasm. I am privileged to be a part of a school with highly capable and committed teachers and support staff. One of the critical factors of any successful school is the staff. There has never been a time when being a teacher has been more demanding or challenging. To our teachers and support staff, thank-you for your energy, passion, and enthusiasm. What a privilege to be able to witness the joy that comes with the understanding of satisfaction when a problem is solved or the wonder of living new adventures through the world of teamwork. Our teachers are privileged each day to participate in their student’s academic journey. They recognize and applaud just how hard their students try. They celebrate their students’ achievements whether they be great or small and they share with pride the progress their students make with their learning. Not a week goes by that we are not as a school celebrating the successes of our students!

Important Upcoming Dates

  • December – Toy Drive
  • November 30-December 4 – Winter Wonderland Spirit Week
  • December 4 @ 10am – Virtual Winter Wonderland Rally
    Select an Art, Craft, and/or Talent to showcase in our Virtual Winter Wonderland Rally! Submissions are due Monday, November 30th by 3:00pm. Take a picture/video and send to mgjerde@helendalesd.com.

    Please check out these Submission Ideas!
    Follow us on Instagram!

  • December 7-11 – Assessment/Finals Week
  • December 18 – High School Courses – First Semester Classes completed

You will receive an update on your child’s progress every Friday, if you are not receiving it please let your child’s homeroom teacher or myself know. Let me know if you have any questions. You can email me at mesposito@heledalesd.com or call the ICA office at 760-952-1760 / 661-377-1925.

Happy Holidays and thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with your child!

Dr. Esposito

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