
Happy New Year! January 2022 Updates & ASB News

This article was last modified on January 26th, 2022.

From the Desk of Dr. Esposito

Dear Independence Charter Academy Students and Families,

Happy New Year!

We are starting the Spring semester here at ICA and the student will begin their second-semester classes. We are now completing our 2022 Strategic Planning Surveys and ask if you could take two minutes to complete these so we can plan accordingly for the 2022-2023 school year. The link is below and we sure appreciate it.


Click here to take the survey!

Key Upcoming Dates

*No school Next Monday, January 17, 2022, Dr. Martin Luther King Day

*Spring Break April 4-8

*Graduation Wednesday, May 25, 2022, Adelanto Stadium

Thank you for your continued support!

Have a great holiday break!
Dr. Esposito
Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/Independence-charter-academy-167155424105394.

“Our goal is to develop our students, to earn what we get, to learn, to develop unselfish attitudes. If we achieve that, the result is that we’ll win.” – Marv Levy

Tech Information

Pointers from Mr. Strey:

Tech Helpline number is 760-221-7144. The hours of operation are Monday to Friday 7:30 am-3:00 pm. We will not be taking calls from December 17th- January 3rd for winter break. Remember to check out our Facebook and Instagram. We have new posts every Tuesday and Thursday. Be sure to like, comment, and follow to help recognize the hard work of our students and staff.

Tutoring Schedules By Subject

December 2021 Tutoring Schedules by Subject - Independence Charter Academy

ASB News

Valentine's Spirit Day Coming Up

Thank you to everyone that attended our Happy Holidays Virtual Rally! Congratulations to all the Star Students that were recognized for their outstanding achievements.

Valentine’s Spirit Day Coming Up! Monday, February 14, 2022

Wear red or pink, snap a pic, and send to mgjerde@helendalesd.com.
Valentine’s Day Creative Corner Ideas

Select an Art, Craft, and/or Talent to showcase on Valentine’s Day. Submissions due Friday, Feb 11, 2022@3:00pm. Please email to mgjerde@helendalesd.com.

Crist Counselor Corner

Following is the Dual Enrollment Form for VVC for spring 2022 which the date has already passed. HOWEVER, you can use the same form to enroll for the summer of 2022. Barstow Community College has a similar process. To access Barstow’s dual enrollment process go to:

Victor Valley College
To Get Virtual Assistance to enroll at VVC follow this link:

To Enroll at VVC copy this link:


A completed Dual Enrollment form must be submitted each semester before the student can register for classes; it can be used to enroll for the summer 2022 class as well.

Dual Enrollment Form

Following is the process to enroll at VVC.

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